NECO GCE 2023 ENGLISH LANGUAGE (Obj ,Essay & Test of  Orals) Nov/Dec to get the  Questions & Answer – Nov/Dec Expo

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Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a talented and passionate carpenter named Thomas. He was known far and wide for his incredible craftsmanship and ability to create masterpieces from blocks of wood. Thomas had a unique talent for turning ordinary materials into extraordinary works of art, making him highly sought after by customers near and far.

One day, a new apprentice named Jack joined Thomas’s workshop. Jack was eager to learn from the renowned carpenter and hoped to acquire the same level of skill and expertise. However, from the beginning, Jack seemed to struggle. His first few attempts at carving ended in disappointment as his creations lacked the finesse and attention to detail displayed by Thomas.

Feeling frustrated by his own lack of progress, Jack began blaming his tools for his subpar work. He complained that his chisels were dull, his saws were old, and his workspace was too cramped. Day after day, Jack grew increasingly discouraged, focusing solely on his perceived limitations rather than improving his craft. He started to lose faith in himself and to doubt his abilities.

Meanwhile, Thomas observed Jack’s constant complaints and excuses. He decided to intervene and teach the young apprentice a valuable lesson. Thomas handed Jack a worn-out chisel and said, “Remember, a bad workman blames his tools.”

Puzzled, Jack looked at Thomas, not understanding the significance of these words. Thomas explained, “It is not the tools that determine the quality of your work, but rather the skill, dedication, and effort you put into it. Blaming your tools will only hinder your progress. Instead, focus on honing your skills and improving yourself as a craftsman.”

Slowly, realization dawned on Jack. He realized that his own lack of dedication and commitment to learning and practicing had been holding him back, not the tools he used. Inspired by Thomas’s wisdom, Jack changed his approach. He dedicated himself to learning from his mistakes, seeking guidance from Thomas, and tirelessly practicing his craft.

Months passed, and as Jack’s skills improved, so did his confidence. The pieces he carved became more intricate, reflecting his newfound expertise and determination. Jack’s transformation was nothing short of remarkable, and his hard work did not go unnoticed.

One day, a renowned art collector visited the village in search of unique wooden sculptures. He happened upon Thomas’s workshop and was captivated by the impressive creations on display. But it wasn’t Thomas’s work that caught his attention; it was Jack’s. The collector recognized the extraordinary talent and potential within the young apprentice.

Overwhelmed with joy and pride, Thomas realized that his humble apprentice had surpassed him in skill. From that day forward, Jack’s career soared, and he became renowned as one of the finest carpenters of his time.

In the end, the expression “a bad workman blames his tools” held true for Jack. He learned that excuses and blaming external factors would only inhibit his growth. Instead, by taking responsibility, working diligently, and continually striving for improvement, he achieved greatness. Jack proved that true craftsmanship lies not in the tools but in the hands and determination of the artist.

*Title: a Man is More Useful to Society than a Woman*

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed audience, and fellow debaters, today I stand before you to challenge the age-old notion that a man is more useful to society than a woman. This argument is not only discriminatory but also fails to recognize the countless contributions and potential of women. In today’s world, it is crucial to acknowledge and value the skills, talents, and unique perspectives that both men and women bring to the table. Therefore, I will present arguments against the motion and highlight the importance of recognizing the equal value of both genders in society.

One of the most common arguments put forth in favor of the motion is that men are more useful to society because they dominate certain professions, particularly those that are financially lucrative. However, this argument neglects the significant economic contributions women have made and continue to make. Over the years, women have broken through numerous barriers to excel in various fields, from entrepreneurship and finance to STEM and politics. The global economy thrives on diversity, and excluding women means missing out on their innovative ideas and unique perspectives. By creating opportunities and supporting the advancement of women, society benefits from a broader range of talents, skills, and ideas, ultimately leading to greater economic growth and prosperity.

Another important aspect of society is social progress, and women play a vital role in this domain. Throughout history, women have been at the forefront of social movements, advocating for equality, human rights, and justice. Their contributions to the civil rights movement, the suffrage movement, and the fight for gender equality cannot be overlooked. Their dedication, passion, and empathy have led to significant advancements in society, shaping more inclusive and compassionate communities. By dismissing the value of women in society, we risk slowing down progress in important areas such as gender equality, education, and social justice.

Recognizing the value of women is not limited to their professional contributions; it extends to their roles within the family and community as well. Women have historically been the primary caregivers, nurturing and shaping the next generation. Their emotional intelligence, compassion, and multitasking skills are invaluable in maintaining strong and healthy families. Additionally, women often take on significant roles in community organizations, volunteering, and advocating for social causes. Their ability to connect with others, build relationships, and mobilize communities is crucial to the well-being and development of society as a whole. By acknowledging and appreciating the contributions of women in these areas, we strengthen the fabric of our communities and foster a more inclusive and cohesive society.

In conclusion, the notion that a man is more useful to society than a woman is deeply flawed and perpetuates gender inequality. Women have proven time and again that they possess unique skills and talents that are essential for societal progress. It is time we recognize the equal value of both genders and embrace the diverse contributions they bring to the table. Let us strive for a society that is inclusive, equal, and truly values the potential of all individuals, regardless of their gender.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
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Commissioner for Social Welfare
[Commissioner’s Name]
[Commissioner’s Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Causes of Domestic Violence and Possible Ways of Curbing It

Dear Commissioner [Commissioner’s Last Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to bring to your attention the pressing issue of domestic violence in our state. Domestic violence has become a widespread problem that affects individuals, families, and communities, and it requires urgent attention and intervention.

There are a variety of complex factors that contribute to the high incidence of domestic violence. Some of the key causes include:

1. Intergenerational transmission of violence: Growing up in an abusive household can normalize violent behavior, leading individuals to perpetuate the cycle of abuse in their own relationships.

2. Unhealthy power dynamics: Domestic violence often stems from imbalances of power and control within relationships. Various societal issues, such as gender inequality, can contribute to the perpetuation of these power imbalances.

3. Substance abuse: The abuse of alcohol or drugs can increase the likelihood of domestic violence incidents by impairing judgment, self-control, and emotional regulation.

4. Economic stress: Financial strain and unemployment can lead to frustration and tension within households, which may increase the incidence of domestic violence.

5. Lack of awareness and education: Many individuals may not fully understand the consequences and impact of domestic violence, both on the victims and the wider community. This lack of awareness can contribute to the perpetuation of abusive behaviors.

To address and curb this prevalent issue, I would like to propose some possible ways to tackle domestic violence effectively:

1. Raise awareness and education: Implement comprehensive education programs in schools and communities to increase awareness about domestic violence, its signs, consequences, and available support systems.

2. Strengthen laws and policies: Work in collaboration with law enforcement agencies and policymakers to enact stricter laws and policies that protect victims, promote intervention, and hold perpetrators accountable.

3. Enhance support systems: Allocate more resources to shelters, counseling centers, and hotlines that provide safe spaces and support for victims of domestic violence. Additionally, establish rehabilitation programs for perpetrators to address the root causes of their violent behavior.

4. Promote gender equality: Develop programs that promote gender equality and challenge societal norms that perpetuate violence and discrimination.

5. Collaborate with community organizations: Forge partnerships with non-governmental organizations and community-based initiatives to address the root causes of domestic violence and provide comprehensive support to victims.

By taking proactive and collaborative measures, we can make a significant impact in reducing domestic violence within our state. I kindly request your support and attention to this critical matter, and I would be grateful to discuss these proposals or provide further information at your convenience.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to seeing positive steps being taken to combat domestic violence and create a safer environment for all residents of our state.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

The writers withdrawal was as a result of inability to his school fees

He was asked to pay three terms fee because it was a name for external candidate to do so

The writers refused to pay the “understanding fee” because he saw examination malpractice as a crime and immoral act.

The cancellation of the entire result of the center was the result of mass cheating

“All hell broke loose!” Means chaos and confusion

(i) School administration
(ii) examination administration

(i) Adjectival clause of time
(ii) modifies the verb “insisted”

(i) Top-notch – quality
(ii) Exorbitant – expensive
(iii) Pre-condition – requirement
(iv) Obnoxious – abominable
(v) Fabulous – unbelievable
(vi) Nefarious – criminal

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-Social media helps young people to easily learn at their own pace and time, and at their comfort zones
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-Social media has made it less likely for young people to visit their loved once in distant places depriving them of the love and affection that goes with it
-Young people spend vast time on their gadgets rather than much more meaningful things
-Young people use social media as a tool for rumor mongering ams chaos



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